DP-070 Migrate Open Source Data Workloads to Azure



This course will enable the students to understand Azure SQL Database, and educate the students on what is required to migrate MySQL and PostgreSQL workloads to Azure SQL Database.

Audience Profile

The primary audience for this course is database developers who plan to migrate their MySQL or Postgres DB workloads to Azure SQL DB. The secondary audience for this course is MySQL/Postgres administrators to raise awareness of the features and benefits of Azure SQL DB.


At the end of this course, the students will have learned:

  • Migrate on-premises MySQL to Azure SQL DB for MySQL
  • Migrate on-premises PostgreSQL to Azure SQL DB for PostgreSQL


Successful students start this role with a fundamental knowledge of cloud computing concepts and experience with open source relational database management systems.
  • Working with PostgreSQL and/or MySQL
  • Using backup and recovery techniques with open source data
  • SQL administration

Onsite Training?

If you need training for three or more people, ask us about training at your site. You can enjoy the convenience of reduced travel cost and time, as well as a familiar environment for your staff. Additionally, we can customise the course for your business needs.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or, reschedule please contact us 10 days before the course

Contact Details



Melbourne VIC, Australia


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Instructor-led | 1 days course | Techni Cloud | Online Session

  • Timing

    From  ->  9 : 00 AM  -  5 : 00 PM


    *Time Zone